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What Is Subsurface Drainage?

What Is Subsurface Drainage?

Subsurface drainage is a fundamental aspect of effective land management, yet it remains a concept that is often overlooked or misunderstood. By implementing a comprehensive subsurface drainage system, landowners and farmers can significantly improve soil health and productivity. But what exactly is subsurface drainage and how does it work?

In this discussion, we will explore the benefits of subsurface drainage, the different types of drainage systems available, the key components involved, and the considerations to keep in mind when selecting a system. Additionally, we will delve into the maintenance and sustainability aspects of subsurface drainage, shedding light on the long-term viability of these systems.

So, let us embark on this exploration of subsurface drainage, unravelling its significance and uncovering the path to more resilient and productive lands.

Benefits of Subsurface Drainage

Benefits of Subsurface Drainage

Subsurface drainage offers a multitude of benefits, effectively removing excess water from the soil profile and mitigating waterlogging issues. One of the primary benefits of proper drainage is its positive impact on crop yield. When fields are adequately drained, crops are less likely to suffer from waterlogging, which can lead to reduced root growth, nutrient deficiencies, and decreased overall productivity. By preventing waterlogging, subsurface drainage ensures that crops have access to the right amount of water and nutrients, promoting optimal growth and development.

Research has shown that implementing subsurface drainage systems can significantly increase crop yields. In a study conducted by the University of Illinois, it was found that properly drained fields experienced an average yield increase of 10-30% compared to poorly drained fields. This increase in yield can be attributed to several factors.

Firstly, subsurface drainage improves soil aeration, allowing roots to access oxygen more easily. This leads to healthier root systems and enhanced nutrient uptake. Additionally, subsurface drainage facilitates better water management, preventing waterlogging and reducing the risk of crop diseases caused by excessive moisture.

Types of Subsurface Drainage Systems

Types of Subsurface Drainage Systems

When it comes to types of subsurface drainage systems, there are several key points to consider.

First, drainage pipe installation is a common method, using materials such as corrugated and PVC slotted pipes.

Additionally, the French drain system is widely used, which involves a trench filled with gravel or rock to redirect water away from an area.

Lastly, subsurface water management techniques, such as interceptor drains and groundwater pumps, play a crucial role in controlling the flow of subsurface water.

Drainage Pipe Installation

There are several types of subsurface drainage systems that can be used for drainage pipe installation:

  1. Corrugated and PVC slotted pipes: These pipes are commonly used for subsurface drainage due to their durability and ability to effectively collect and transport water away from an area.
  2. Mole drainage: This method involves creating underground channels using a mole plough, allowing water to flow through the channels and drain away.
  3. Interceptor drains: These drains are installed at the bottom of slopes or in areas prone to water accumulation to intercept and redirect water away from the area.
  4. Groundwater pumps: These pumps are used to remove water from aquifers and maintain suitable water table levels, preventing waterlogging and ensuring proper drainage.

When installing drainage pipes, it is important to consider proper maintenance and avoid common installation mistakes to ensure the effectiveness and longevity of the drainage system.

French Drain System

French drain systems are an effective and cost-efficient solution for managing excess surface water and preventing waterlogging in soil. These systems consist of a perforated pipe surrounded by gravel or rock, allowing water to flow from the soil into the pipe and be carried away from the area.

Proper French drain construction and installation are crucial for optimal performance. When constructing a French drain, it is important to choose the right size and type of pipe, ensuring it has enough perforations to allow water to enter. Additionally, the drain should be placed at a slight downward slope to facilitate water flow. It is also recommended to line the trench with landscape fabric to prevent soil from clogging the drain.

Subsurface Water Management

Subsurface Water Management

Subsurface water management encompasses various types of drainage systems, including corrugated and PVC slotted subsurface pipes, mole drainage, interceptor drains, and groundwater pumps. These systems are designed to effectively manage the movement of water below the ground surface, reducing the risk of waterlogging and improving soil conditions for optimal crop growth.

Here are four key aspects of subsurface water management:

  1. Controlling the subsurface water table: Drainage systems help regulate the water table by removing excess water from the soil, preventing waterlogging and ensuring adequate aeration for root development.
  2. Water infiltration: Subsurface drainage systems facilitate water infiltration into the soil, allowing rainfall and irrigation water to penetrate deeply and replenish the groundwater reserves.
  3. Soil protection: By preventing water saturation, these drainage systems protect the soil from becoming compacted or waterlogged, preserving its structure and fertility.
  4. Crop yield improvement: Proper subsurface water management enhances the overall health and productivity of crops, leading to increased yields and improved farm profitability.

These drainage systems should be chosen based on soil characteristics, slope, and the desired location of the outfall.

Implementation of Subsurface Drainage

The implementation of subsurface drainage involves several key points.

Designing drainage systems involves determining the layout and spacing of the drains to effectively remove excess water from the soil.

Choosing drain materials is crucial to ensure the durability and longevity of the drainage system. Options range from perforated pipes to plastic or clay tiles.

Designing Drainage Systems

Designing drainage systems involves integrating surface and subsurface components to effectively manage waterlogged soil profiles and optimize agricultural productivity. To achieve this, several key factors need to be considered:

  1. Implementation of surface drainage techniques: Properly designed surface drains can help reduce the load on underground drainage systems, preventing waterlogging and improving soil health. Techniques such as contour ploughing, terracing, and grassed watercourses can effectively divert excess water away from fields.
  2. Soil health improvement: Subsurface drainage systems play a crucial role in enhancing soil health. These systems increase aeration, allowing plant roots to access oxygen more efficiently. They also improve fertiliser response by preventing nutrient leaching and reduce mineral imbalances and salinity, creating an environment conducive to crop growth.
  3. Selection of drainage system types: Various subsurface drainage systems, including corrugated and PVC slotted pipes, mole drainage, interceptor drains, and groundwater pumps, are chosen based on soil characteristics, gradient, and outfall location. Each system has its advantages and is selected to best suit the specific requirements of the field.
  4. Considerations for choosing and permitting drainage systems: It is essential to assess soil permeability, conduct on-farm tests, and consult drainage experts, local rural water authorities, and catchment management authorities to ensure the proper design and installation of drainage systems while adhering to regulatory requirements.

Choosing Drain Materials

When implementing subsurface drainage, careful consideration must be given to selecting the appropriate drain materials. Drain materials for subsurface drainage include clay, concrete, bituminized fibre, metal, and plastic. The choice of drain material depends on soil characteristics, gradient, and outfall location. One advantage of clay pipes is their durability and resistance to corrosion, making them suitable for long-term use. However, clay pipes can be more expensive than other materials and require careful installation to prevent cracking. In terms of environmental impact, plastic pipes are often preferred due to their lightweight nature and ease of installation, reducing fuel consumption during transportation. Additionally, plastic pipes can be recycled at the end of their lifespan, further minimising their environmental impact. Consider the table below for a summary of drain material options:

Drain Material Advantages Disadvantages
Clay Durability, resistance to corrosion Expensive, prone to cracking
Concrete Sturdy, long-lasting Heavy, limited design options
Bituminized Fibre Lightweight, easy installation Vulnerable to UV degradation
Metal High strength, fire resistance Susceptible to corrosion
Plastic Lightweight, easy installation, recyclable Limited temperature resistance

Carefully evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each drain material will help ensure the success of a subsurface drainage system while minimising its environmental impact.

Installing Drain Pipes

Installing Drain Pipes

To effectively implement subsurface drainage, proper installation of drain pipes is crucial. Here are four key aspects to consider when installing drain pipes for underground water management:

  1. Planning and design:

Before installation, a comprehensive plan should be developed, considering factors such as soil characteristics, gradient, and outfall location. This will ensure the drain pipes are placed strategically for maximum efficiency.

  1. Excavation and grading:

Proper excavation and grading are essential to create a suitable trench for the drain pipes. This includes removing any obstacles and ensuring a consistent slope for water flow.

  1. Pipe selection and installation:

Choosing the right type and size of drain pipes is vital for effective water management. The pipes should be installed with proper alignment and connections to ensure smooth water flow.

  1. Maintenance and monitoring:

Regular drain pipe maintenance is crucial to prevent blockage and ensure optimal performance. This includes periodic inspections, cleaning, and repairs as needed.

Key Components of Subsurface Drainage

The key components of subsurface drainage systems include various elements such as surface or subsurface outlets, main drains, laterals, and submains. These components are essential for designing subsurface drains and ensuring the importance of proper drainage.

Surface or subsurface outlets serve as the endpoints of the drainage system, allowing the excess water to be discharged effectively. Main drains, on the other hand, are the primary conduits that collect water from the field and transport it to the outlets. They are typically installed at the lowest points of the field to facilitate water flow.

Laterals and submains are additional components that work together to distribute the water collected by the main drains. Laterals are smaller pipes that connect the main drains to the submains, while submains are larger pipes that collect water from multiple laterals and carry it towards the outlets.

Proper design and sizing of these components are crucial for the effective functioning of subsurface drainage systems. Factors such as drainage coefficient, area to be drained, drain grade, and internal roughness of the pipes must be considered to ensure optimal drainage performance.

Considerations for Choosing a Drainage System

Considering the soil characteristics and permeability is essential when selecting a drainage system for optimal subsurface drainage performance. The following factors should be taken into account during drainage system selection:

  1. Evaluate the suitability for mole drainage: Mole drainage is a technique that uses a mole plough to create subsurface channels for water to flow through. It is important to assess whether this method is appropriate for the specific soil conditions and drainage requirements of the area.
  2. Conduct on-farm tests: Before making a final decision, it is advisable to carry out on-farm tests to determine the effectiveness of different drainage systems. These tests can provide valuable insights into the water movement patterns and help in selecting the most suitable system.
  3. Consult an expert: Seeking the advice of a subsurface drainage expert can provide valuable guidance in selecting the right drainage system. Additionally, reaching out to the regional rural water authority can help in understanding the requirements and regulations specific to the area.
  4. Assess cost, benefits, and disadvantages: It is important to carefully evaluate the cost, benefits, and disadvantages associated with different drainage systems. This includes considering factors such as installation costs, maintenance requirements, and long-term benefits in terms of improved soil health and crop productivity.

Maintenance and Sustainability of Subsurface Drainage

Maintenance and sustainability are crucial aspects to consider when implementing a subsurface drainage system. Proper maintenance practices are essential to ensure the long-term sustainability of the system. Regular inspections should be conducted to identify any issues or blockages that may hinder the effectiveness of the drainage system. Cleaning and clearing of drains should be carried out as needed to prevent clogging and maintain optimal water flow.

In addition to maintenance practices, the long-term sustainability of subsurface drainage relies on proper planning and design. It is important to consider factors such as soil type, climate, and water table levels when designing the drainage system. By selecting appropriate materials and installation techniques, the system can be built to withstand the test of time and continue to function effectively.

Furthermore, effective surface drainage plays a significant role in ensuring the sustainability of subsurface drainage. Proper surface drainage helps to reduce the load on the subsurface system, improving its efficiency and longevity. By effectively managing surface water, the subsurface drains are better able to handle excess water and maintain the desired soil conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Sub Surface Drainage?

What Is Subsurface Drainage?

Subsurface drainage is a system that removes excess water from the subsoil, enhancing crop productivity. It offers advantages such as improved response to fertilisers and prevention of salinity. Types include slotted pipes, mole drains, and interceptor drains.

What Are the Disadvantages of Subsurface Drainage?

What Are the Disadvantages of Subsurface Drainage?

The disadvantages of subsurface drainage include high implementation costs, ineffectiveness in removing excess water in certain conditions, modification of wetland habitats, potential contamination in drainage discharge water, and elevated nitrate concentrations. There are alternative drainage methods available.

What Is an Example of Surface Drainage?

Advantages of surface drainage include improved water flow, reduced erosion, and enhanced crop growth. Common types of surface drainage techniques include contour ploughing, terracing, and grassed waterways. These practices help prevent water accumulation and promote proper land management.

What Is the Meaning of Surface Water Drainage?

Surface water drainage refers to the process of managing and redirecting excess water from the surface of the land, preventing waterlogging and surface water problems. Subsurface drainage, on the other hand, offers advantages such as improved soil health, increased aeration, and reduced mineral imbalances.


In conclusion, subsurface drainage plays a crucial role in managing wet soil conditions and improving soil health. It helps to prevent waterlogging, increase aeration, and enhance pasture growth.

By implementing the appropriate subsurface drainage system and regularly maintaining it, the benefits of improved response to fertilisers, reduced mineral imbalances, and prevention of salinity can be achieved.

Considering the various factors involved in choosing a drainage system, it is important to prioritise sustainability for long-term effectiveness.